sábado, enero 27, 2018

Today I saw her

Traducción de nuestro texto "Hoy la vi" al idioma inglés por  Carlos Chacón Cupello

Today I saw her

(To Janis)

Today I saw her sprout between the hands of many people
she made herself present from time to time
as wanting to scream
in many places and at none
I saw her full/ radiant/responsible for tears /for sighs
of thousands of sensations that dwell into the pores of all
I saw her
among kaleidoscopes of colors/
escorted by sweaty butterflies to daisies and jasmines/
levitated between the smoke of hash
I saw her walking away forever
she had intentions of seeding flowers in the sun

Leonardo Melero Blanco
Translator: Carlos Chacón Cupello

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